Thursday, February 18, 2010

A day of Awesomeness

Greetings from Team Henderson.  So much has happened today that I thought it only fair to update you on it all - and inevitably leave you feeling envious for the awesomeness that is 'my life'!

I'll start at the beginning.....which was at 3.30am.  The insomnia hasn't been as bad these past 2 nights, but 3.30am is still a little too early for my liking.  Anyway, I digress - back to my awesome day. For ease of reading I think I'll bullet point them for you (you may thank me later);

  • A cup of tea for breakfast.  No, this is not a typo.  A highlight of my day was having, and more importantly ENJOYING a cup of tea.  The chemo left a strong metallic taste in my mouth, meaning my taste buds have been beaten up a little, and a casualty of this has been water and any drink made with water.  Which is tea.  Green and normal.  And I love tea.  Green and normal.  So it has been heart breaking over the past week and a half to not be able to stomach the taste of tea.  Until this morning!  And it tasted gooooooooooood. Happy days people.
  • I now have a wig.  I was a little (okay - a lot!) apprehensive about this, but the wig lady (herein referred to as Leigh) was wonderful, and fitted me with a wig that doesn't look half bad.  It will take some getting used to as it is a full thick head of hair, and I've got fine hair and not much of it.  It also has a fringe (apparently all good wigs do) and I've never had a fringe.  It's going to feel weird for a while, but hey - it's only hair!
  • Pea and Ham Soup courtesy of Mother Doyle.  This stuff is worthy of medals.  Philippa (affectionately referred to as 'Mother Doyle) is a dear friend of mine from work, and came and visited me this afternoon.  We had tea (yay!) and afghans, and gossiped for several hours which was fabulous.  Her company was wonderful - the soup was a bonus!
  • I left the house.  Yes, for the first time in over a week I actually left the house and went out where there were other human beings!  I have been suffering from cabin fever these past few days, so I decided that Elliott was taking Em and I to the mall for dinner.  This leads to probably what some will deem the most excellent part of my day.....
  • A Lamb Curry for dinner.  Meat.  And it was good.  I have been on the receiving end of some criticism since El's post about my newly established vegetarian tendencies.  One of my esteemed colleagues in Auckland (hi John!) felt so strongly about it that he emailed me and advised me to "desist immediately".  My best friend in the UK emailed me to remind me that if God didn't want us to eat meat he wouldn't have invented bbq's.  It's logic I simply can't argue with.  So I had a lamb curry, and it was good.
  • No naps.  Today has been the first day that I've gone the entire day without having to retreat to bed for an hour or two to recharge my batteries.  Hopefully this means I will have a deep and long sleep tonight........but I'll let you know tomorrow.
So today has been full of action and adventure.  I am awesome.  You are allowed to be envious.


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