Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Insomnia [in-som-nee-uh]

Defined as '–noun inability to obtain sufficient sleep, esp. when chronic; difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness.' Yes, welcome to the land of sleeplessness.  It should be redefined as 'being bored out of your mind between the hours of midnight and 5.00am.'  That's assuming I'll be tired at 5.00am.  Chances are not looking good at this stage given it's only 9 minutes away.  So I tried all the relaxation techniques I've ever been taught, including the one where you lie perfectly still and let your body relax starting at your toes and working your way up your body, so that relaxation and peacefulness slowly envelope you like a blanket.  What a crock.  Money back refund on that one please.  All it made me do was need to go to the toilet.  Anyhoo - if insomnia is the worst thing that happens to me today then I'll take it.  Maybe I should look for that list that Elliott started writing......

On a broader note things are doing well.  My meds are down to 3 steroids in the morning, which inevitably means I'm hungry for the rest of the day and can't stop eating.  Thankfully my 3 besties have hooked me up with the best food so I'm sorted.  Saturday night was Cannelloni a la Bridget Roper - a divine vegetarian dish that I would eat over any meat dish any day (sorry husband!). That and the incredible vegie soup are slowly turning me to the dark side of the vege.  Sunday was Fish Pie a la Nicky Milne - and while there should have been a large portion of left overs there wasn't (I had to refrain El from licking the pie dish).  Monday was Lasagne a la Jade Pedersen - the woman is a domestic goddess, and knows that her lasagne is the cause of marital disharmony in my home due to why my lasagne doesn't taste anywhere near as good!  Jade was also the bearer of Chocolate Afghans which are taunting me as I type.  Words rarely fail me, but the love and support shown by our friends, family and colleagues has made the start of this journey so much easier to deal with.  So, our house is clean thanks to my amazing Mum and her working vacuum cleaner and dusting cloth, and our bellies are full thanks to my god-sent friends - which only leaves us to get on with kicking this cancer in the nads.  And so far we seem to be doing pretty well - even at 5:06am.................

Lee xxxx

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